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“This is a real story about an asylum seeking woman who has been here about five years.

About three months ago when she was in church for prayers on Sunday the first of June. When she wanted to go for prayers and light a candle she left her bag on her chair with all her stuff like her laptop, her phone, all the money she had. She had to carry this stuff because she was homeless and she didn’t have anywhere to go.

When she came back to sit on her chair suddenly she realised the bag wasn’t there. She asked about it but noone knew where it was. She was so upset and disappointed and she was just crying and noone could help her.

The people in the church told the police but the police said they can’t do anything about it. They checked the CCTV and they found the thief but told her he was addicted to drugs and he can’t pay for her stuff. And now she has nothing. This is a really hard situation for her. Who’s taking responsibility for this?”