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‘All shall be well and all shall be well
and all manner of things
shall be well’.  Julian of Norwich 14th century Christian mystic

This greeting comes with hope for the New Year.
Manchester City of Sanctuary welcomes you
and encourages you to find new ways this year
of building a culture of welcome for Refugees and Asylum Seekers
in 2016.
from Jane, Zhila, Maryam, Charles, Jeff, Fay, Anita , Dianne and David


  1. Twixmas Party this Wednesday 30th Dec 5-8pm
  2. Vision Day
  3. Shopping Buddy Scheme

1. Twixmas Party this Wednesday 30th Dec 5-8pm

Do join us at our Twixmas Party
on Wed 30th Dec
Bring a dish from your country
food from 5pm
music and dancing with the Beech Ceilidh Band 6-8pm
Bus fares provided for asylum seekers.
Friends welcome
children welcome!

2. Vision Day

The Steering Group which is made up of local people and asylum seekers,
will be spending the day together on Saturday 6th February.
There will be opportunities to feed into the discussions about the way the Irgsnisation should grow and develop.
Please see Jane Graystone (our part-time worker).

3. Shopping Buddy Scheme

A scheme to help asylum seekers who’s only support is on an AZURE card
is being piloted this month.
Dana and Jane have both been shopping with CoS Asylum seekers.
Their £35 of shopping has been bought using the AZURE card and they have then given the asylum seeker £35in cash,
so that they are then able to buy a bus pass, shop at charity shops etc and shop more cheaply using cash than is possible using the big Supermarkets.
If you would like to be a shopping buddy please see Jane or email[email protected]

“The objective of the City of Sanctuary movement is to create a culture of welcome and hospitality for those seeking Sanctuary, Refugees and other vulnerable migrants amongst us” – Inderjit Bhogal, founder of City of Sanctuary