Tired of the rhetoric that blames people from other countries for all our struggles? Here in Manchester we have an opportunity to ‘choose friendship over fear’.
We have the opportunity to build places of safety and welcome for people fleeing violence, persecution and war – and to do it well!
So, how are we doing it in Manchester City of Sanctuary?
We are a local grassroots charity (1168839) committed to building a culture of hospitality and welcome here where we live that celebrates the gifts and skills and culture of each sanctuary seeker.
Our amazing volunteers create monthly Welcome Sessions and a quarterly ‘Big Conversation’ Event with local health, arts and education institutions to talk about inclusin. They offer regular opportunities for learning English and sustaining mental health, partnered by local groups and individuals who want to share their skills, their countryside and their friendship.
So, can YOU support us in 2019 to deliver this array of opportunities that transform lives? We need your help.
Please consider signing up for an regular monthly donation of £10, £5 or even the price of a cup of coffee, to say that you, too, want Manchester to become a City of Sanctuary. https://manchester.cityofsanctuary.org
Please contact Jane or Liz if you’d like to talk further at [email protected]
