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A big festive hello and thank you to those who have already donated to our Christmas Appeal this year. We’re ambitiously aiming for £1000 to help us go back to holding monthly social events. We know that developing and maintaining positive relationships with the people we work with is vital, but we have struggled to find the funds to do this.


Our first hope is that we can hold monthly coffee mornings for the women in our group, recognising that women in particular face many challenges, intersecting at a range of levels, and we hope to provide a safe space for women to connect, socialise and relax; developing and honing their psychosocial skills throughout the interaction.

We also hope to partner with other organisations offering football or gym sessions, as a lot of feedback from the men we work with is around the need for exercise and the desire to go back to the gym.

If you’re able to, and we know it’s a big ask at this time of year, please consider donating to our appeal; just £4 allows a Sanctuary Seekers to access an event which combats social isolation and loneliness and promote positive mental health and wellbeing. £5 enables a refugee or asylum seeker to be part of our volunteer team and help to facilitate and deliver our events, increasing self-esteem and confidence.


Here’s the link you need: